It is certainly not the aeronautic news which is the current main topic but IT employed by the aeronautic builder. Both Embraer and Leonardo were affected by computer hacking.
Embraer computer hacking
Embraer and Leonardo aircraft manufacturers were the victims of computer hacking. Embraer was the victim of computer hacking last month. In december 7, 2020, the hackers involved had broadcasted some private files of the company as a revenge when Embraer has refused to negociate making the choice to restore backup systems without paying ransom. Embraer files were broadcasted on a dark website. Downloaded data on the website included details about the emloyees, business contracts, photos of flight simulations and source code.
100 GB of data stolen from Leonardo
An hacker had access to 99 computers in the facilities of the Italian aerospace and defence group Leonardo and has stolen more than 100 data gigabytes between may 2015 and january 2017 according to a press release from the Italian police that was published in december 5, 2020. Leonardo detected the hacker which alerted the police. The investigation has led to the arrest of two individuals last week – a former and current employee of Leonardo. 33 of 94 infected workstations
were located in Arco Pomigliano Leonardo factory near Napoli which is part of the aeronautic division of the group. No information has been disclosed as to the location of the remaining 61 workstations.