Civil Aviation
Air eco-tax: BAR France joins the uproar
Air eco-tax: BAR France joins the uproar

| Alexandre Rocchi 212 mots

Air eco-tax: BAR France joins the uproar

The organisation representing foreign airlines operating in France considers this tax “will deeply affect the competitiveness of the air transport in France, for both French and international airlines”.

Following Air France, the FNAM (National Federation of Commercial Aviation) and the UAF (French Airport Union), the association representing foreign airlines operating on the French territory — BAR France — joins the uproar after the announcement of an “eco-contribution” which will be payed by every airline company as of 2020 (1.50€ for Economy class, 9€ for Business class for intraeuropean flights; 3€ for Economy class, 18€ for Business class for international flights).

“Air transport is the smallest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions (2-3% on a global scale). It is the only industry which is constantly making improvements to reduce nuisances. The only one engaged on a global scale in an international agreement which the USA and China are part of — the CORSIA agreement which plans a 50 percent emission reduction by 2050. Moreover, air transport is the only transport industry which entirely finances its infrastructure and its functioning. Which is far from being the case for road and railway, resulting to be very expensive for taxpayers” stated BAR France in a press release. “A further Franco-French taxation won’t reduce the environmental disruption resulting from transports but it will deeply affect the competitiveness of the air transport in France, for both French and international airlines unfairly punished while operating in our country.”

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